Hey, I’m Jacq. I'm an author, copywriter, and writing coach for business owners who want their words to stand out.

Straight, to the point, no-BS online writing advice.

Words have powerβ€”are you using the best ones for your business?

Subscribe to Jacq’s β€˜Stack and get weekly emails to help you simplify everything about your online writing from draft to published.

Why work with a creative & intuitive writing coach?

  • To connect and captivate your audience, you need to tell a good story. Great news: Humans were made for storytelling!

    I’ll pull out your story without you even realizing it’s happening. We’ll tell these stories in your copy, social media, emails, and books. Your authentic story brings your words to life, creating an impact for your readers.

  • A well-written blog on your website tells search engines you’ve got good stuff and recommends it to more people. Google wants to suggest creative and original work. That’s why, when you write with a human (me!) and not with a robot (AI), your blogs will stand out and even create sales when we use persuasive (never slimy) content writing strategies.

  • Where’d your muse go? When your inspiration well has run dry, count on me as your coach and mentor to show you where to look for content ideas. I’ve been known to come up with a year’s worth of blog ideas in a single sitting. You’ll always know what to write when you sit down at the page.

  • Corporate jargon? I get it. I used to have to write a lot of it, too β€” until I showed them another way. Business communications don’t need to be dull and dry. You can inject personality into everything you write β€” and keep it professional.

I'm a copywriter & coach who writes not only for others β€” but also for me. 

Why this matters.

Most copywriters and writing coaches are fully immersed in writing only in other people's voices, never their own.

They slip into persona after persona. But when do they settle back into their own skin?

I'm sharing my words and strengthening my voice so that I can recognize your inner strong voice.


I write and publish non-fiction books following the same writing strategies I teach my clients. These books will help you improve your writing and your entire life. From memoir to self-development to practical writing advice for empathic entrepreneurs, I’ve got you covered.

Explore Writing Services

  • The Intuitive Writing School

    An online writing group for business owners & creatives who want accountability, support, and resources (like templates, live workshops, community & Q&A opportunities) to learn or sharpen their online writing skills.

    There’s a VIP option for writing feedback.

    This is NOT a β€œcritique” group!

  • Coaching & Consulting

    I teach you how to write for the online business world. Break through whatever’s blocking you, whether it’s fear, an inner critic, or a busy schedule.

    Whatever you’re writing β€” websites, blogs, emails, content, or books β€” with coaching, you’ll learn how to let the words flow. And then, I support you with strategy and edits as you learn to use your voice.

  • Copywriting

    While you focus on your business, I write your website copy, LinkedIn profiles, launch copy & strategy, sales emails, and blogs to help you stand out and sell with clarity and confidence.

    *Only ONE spot is available each month. Reserve your space now πŸ‘‡

Speaking & Corporate Training

🎀 Keynote Speaking

πŸŽ™οΈ Podcast Interviews

πŸ’» Workshops

πŸ‘©β€πŸ« Training

Get 20 years of professional writing, coaching, & consulting experience, corporate, startup & team training for your group or podcast.

I'll teach your team to write fast & write well β€” even if they don't call themselves writers.

Get in touch