Coaching, Writing, & Editorial Services

Are you a coach or consultant interested in working together on a writing project?

Coaching & Editing Services

  • Book editing and coaching

    Book Coaching

    Whether you're telling your story or sharing your expertise to establish your authority, attract amazing clients, and open doors to new opportunities — and want to do it through a book you're proud of — I can help.

    Editorial services and book coaching to help you write your standout book.

  • Copy coaching laptop on a wood desk

    Coaching & Mentoring for Business Writing

    If you're a copywriter or business owner, I'll guide you through the strategy of online writing. We can cover website copy, blog content, social media, and more.

    You bring the first draft. I'll edit it and show you how to make your writing shine.

    *Choose a 30-day sprint or long-term support

  • Jacqueline Fisch copywriter and coach

    Fast Writing Help

    Get my 20 years of professional experience in a variety of industries in your words in a single 90-minute session.

    Whatever your struggling with — your book, website, blogs, or content strategy, schedule a writing miracle and get it DONE.

Need writing help NOW?

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Let’s chat. I’ll point you in the right direction.

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